Eye care is an integral part of staying healthy, as many people with poor eyesight attest. However, there are facts about your eyes and vision that may catch you off guard. For instance, did you know that the iris has 256 unique characteristics? Understanding more facts about your eyes allows you to take better care of your vision. Here at Excel Optometry, we pride ourselves on educating everyone in the Ladera Ranch, CA area on how to better care for their vision. Below
are five things you may not know about your vision..
Having 20/20 Vision Doesn’t Mean It’s Perfect
One of the most common misconceptions patients believe about vision is that 20/20 means that they have perfect eyesight. When a doctor says you have 20/20 vision, it refers to your central vision but does not cover color, side, or night vision. Also, some eye diseases may harm your inner eye but leave your central vision unaffected.
Eyes Can’t Be Transplanted
The human eye is an amazing organ. Your eyeball has over two million working parts and contains over one million tiny nerve fibers that connect to the brain. Due to the optic nerve sensitivity and its construction, it’s impossible to transplant the human eye at this time. Corneas, yes, but not eyes.
Sometimes Glaucoma Doesn’t Have Warning Signs
Improper drainage of the aqueous humor in the eye causes glaucoma, and early warning signs include eye pain, headaches, blurred vision, and severe headache. However, sometimes glaucoma has no warning signs because of the slow progression of the disease. The lack of warning signs means that some people lose most of their vision even before realizing something is wrong.
Smoking Can Damage Vision
It’s common knowledge that smoking is a cause of lung cancer and other respiratory issues, but it also causes eye conditions such as AMD. AMD is Age-Related Macular Degeneration and is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. It affects the central vision and damages the blood vessels in the retina and optic nerve.
Vision Tests Detect Other Health Conditions
An eye doctor doesn’t just detect potential problems with your eyes but can detect other health issues before they become noticeable. Regular eye exams can detect diabetes and heart disease early, as well as high blood pressure, lupus, Lyme disease, MS, Vitamin A deficiency, and many other health issues.
If it’s time for your next eye examination, Excel Optometry is here for all of your eye care. We care for people of all ages in Ladera Ranch and the surrounding communities. Schedule an appointment with us to ensure the continued health of your eyesight.